Hallo Everyone.
As announced, we are working to make BioBlender available for Blender 2.8 series (and after).
The work is much more engaging than we thought, and we are still on it. Nevertheless, some parts are working, and since many of you have requested it, we are making available the working version.
Please note that when we say we it means myself (a biologist, not a programmer) and Pablo, a very talented but young student of bioinformatics, that is dedicating much of his time to the project. If any of you is willing to contribute, any help will be warmly welcome!
The BB present and not finished version can be downloaded from here (see the 19/11/2020 update)
Known issues:
1 – Visualization: it works in our hands. Let us know if you have problems
2 – MLP here we have some problems: it is calculated but not displayed. Want to help? Write to us! (but be aware: it is complicated)
3 – EP: same as the MLP: it is calculated, and imported in the Blednde 3D scene, but is not renrdered
4 – Game Engine simulation: not possible
5 – Output: both are available as features, but, of course, make no sense since there are no new PDB to be exported, and the movies will not show conformational changes, nor EP or MLP.
19/11/2020 update – BioBlender for 2.8 bug fix
Please download the latest BB version form here (link). It contains some minor fixes. Please be aware that many functions are still not working.
Sorry! (Let us know if you can/want to help)
Hi My name is Ashwin Venkat, I would like to contribute to bio blender because I see a lot of potential in it. I have a background in biochemistry and with a decade of python programming, experience, currently a data scientist. Yet I am no expert in programming so please let me know if I contribute, I will do my best.
Kind Regards,